A SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY TO WIN PICK 3 LOTTERIES? A Lucky Letter subscriber explains The First October 2001 Lottery Newsletter "It all started with me buying the Book "How to win PICK 3 lotteries" two months ago. I really enjoyed the GOLDEN RULES, they are simple and straight forward and I immediately put them to work. I played only those numbers for a while, compared them with previous numbers. I won 290$ twice and 40$ quite a few times. Everybody on the forums says, it's a book for beginners, but then I guess I am one.
Then I heard about the new PICK3 forecast. That sounded interesting too, I thought I give it try. So I got the trial version for 10 bucks. I looked at it. I knew from the book that picking doubles and triples was against the GOLDEN RULES.
I followed the results here in Washington for some time, the forecast hit at least twice a week in general. But there were quite a few numbers to choose from (30) actually.
Here is what I did.
The Forecast mentioned boxed:
016, 024, 048, 125, 135, 145, 234, 236, 246, 249, 379, 469, 489, 578, 789
Straight:: 013, 025, 124, 156, 239, 249, 269, 345, 348, 356, 359, 456, 569, 579, 689
I compared the choices with the 81 Reduced Winning Numbers Table in the How to book. The result:
016, 125, 145, 236, 249, 469, 489, 025, 156, 239, 249, 269, 345, 348, 356, 456
Those 16 numbers looked playable. According to GOLDEN RULE 4 I played: 601, 512, 415, 623, 294, 649, 894, 250, 561, 392, 924, 692, 534, 834,, 635 and 645.
And then I did something you should not do! I bet 10$ straight on every of those numbers on Thursday, and 645 hit! I am still counting...
Good Luck to everyone,
Jim in WA"